COVID-19 Protocols
Safety Features
We follow CDC and NY State guidelines whenever possible and practical. Any student who feels more comfortable wearing a mask is welcome to do so
There are hand sanitizing stations in each studio which students can use before and after they enter a studio.
Students should arrive in dance or gymnastics clothes with hair already pulled back, to help prevent having to change onsite. Wear clothes over dance clothes to dress for the weather and leave those extra clothes in your bag during class
Our staff frequently wipes down bathrooms, common areas, and various touchpoints.
Class Size and Distancing
Class sizes will be limited to 10 students
We will follow CDC guidelines for social distancing
Students must be dropped off at class time and picked up immediately when class is over
Parents can wait for students in the parking lot and not the studio
Check-in and Payments
The Instructor will check all students into class.
We use online billing. Please make sure you have an updated credit/debit card on your account. You can update this through our Dancing Plus Gymnastics app
We are encouraging recurring monthly payments through the app or website
The HVAC system has been equipped with MERV-13 filters.
Whenever possible, windows are doors are open to bring fresh air into the studio
Fans will remain on to circulate fresh air in the studios